
About Us

myspecsdeals is an online platform which helps you to find optical shop outlets near you (5km radius) or the place you choose to buy prescription eyeglasses, who provide high quality products and services with computerised eye testing from experienced technicians.
Also we’ve included five images of 25 optical frames ,cherry picked from each showrooms from various price point, which helps you to get an idea of styles and also compare prices online instead of visiting each showroom in person.
We’ve included an easy technique to measure your face size at home in order to select frames size, which is also included in the pictures of the selected models.
myspecsdeals’ sole purpose is to help you to choose the shop that you find best in terms of pricing, convenience etc, without compromising quality in service and guarantees zero error in glasses power.
The showrooms that we’ve cherry picked also provide free service including aligninment, tightening of frames, nose pads replacement from the shops where you bought the frames itself, so that you don’t have to compromise your comfort and quality of your vision.
So if you’re looking for quality products along with expert service from an optical showroom at your convenience, myspecsdeals is here for you.